www.nextstepministry.net  www.everymanhasanextstep.org

Every Man Has a Next Step® 2016

The Necessary Steps: Every man needs a vision, training and support to accomplish their vision which is sustainable over a life time. Next Step Ministries exists to help come alongside men in their faith journey through a relationship with Jesus Christ, the author, model and sustainer for maximized manhood.


Next Step Ministries Is A Passion


Alex Kettles Ministries

My life's vocational passion for the past 36 years has been investing in the mentoring of men who will in turn invest in the lives of other men.  We cannot impart to others what we do not possess ourselves.  So, foundationally it is my conviction that to fulfill our maximum potential development in every area of life necessitates a treasured relationship with Jesus Christ who is the Creator, Author, Sustainer and Perfector of our lives.  
  Jesus is the ultimate vision from maximized manhood.  Oscar Wilde said, I have the simplies of taste, I expect nothing but the very best.  Jesus offers as good as it gets to any man who has the courage and perseverance to abandon themselves in trust to His leadership in their lives.

Leading men’s ministry for over 35 years, Alex Kettles brings his intensity and passion of discipling men to Next Step Ministries. Next Step Ministries centered in the Pacific Northwest is the "Next Step" for Alex after his 3 years with DNA, 32 year staff member of Campus Crusade for Christ and as the former chaplain for the Oregon State Football team.   - Alex understands the battles men face and what makes men tick. 

Next Step Ministries is a network of people mentored by Alex Kettles committed to following Christ's example of winning and discipling others to become disciple makers. The spiritual reproductive ministry of Next Steps flows out of the lives of people focused on Christ in their work, marriage, family, neighborhood and church. 

Every man needs a vision, training and support to accomplish their vision which is sustainable over a life time. Next Step Ministry exists to help come alongside men in their faith journey through a relationship with Jesus Christ, the author, model and sustainer for maximized manhood.

… "Every man has a next step.”  www.everymanhasanextstep.org


Alex Kettles of www.everymanhasanextstep.org Certified Professional Coach from ACSTH